Candidates Need Your Help

Volunteers are needed Since Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued the Stay At Home order, candidates running for elected office are having a difficult time recruiting volunteers, getting their message out to the voters of Butler County and soliciting donations.  When … Read More

Ohio Primary Update: What You Need to Know

On March 25, both houses of the Ohio General Assembly passed legislation to address the COVID-19 pandemic.  Among several things this legislation did, it extended the availability of absentee ballots by mail for the March 17th primary until April 28th, not June … Read More


Starting March 2, 2020, families will begin receiving the first round of invitations to complete census documents.    You will receive this information in the mail, and you can respond online, by mail, or by phone. It is imperative to complete … Read More

Political Parties and Special Interest Groups

Party members and the general public frequently ask why the Butler County Democratic Party (BCDP) isn’t doing something regarding a particular issue or event.  We’re often told that Indivisible, MoveOn.Org, Ohioans for Gun Safety, or some other interest group is … Read More

BCDP Gala Brings Candidates to Butler County

Sunday March 8 is the annual Butler County Democratic Party Gala, celebrating Democrats in Butler County and preparing for a Blue Wave in 2020! UPDATED 3/5/20: U.S. Representative Tim Ryan just announced as Keynote Speaker. This year, guests will hear … Read More