For the next month, BCDP is happy to present Reach Out Lakota Food & Clothing Pantry as one of our featured Butler County partners. Reach Out Lakota was founded in 1992, and their mission “to give a helping hand up to those living in West Chester/Liberty Township by putting help and hope into the hands of our community” continues today.
Through April of this year, ROL has provided more than 10,000 emergency meals related to Covid, with nearly 37,000 total meals served during this time. But the need continues to be high, especially now that it is summer and school is out.
As part of our Living Our Values Food Drive, we encourage you to donate to Reach Out Lakota.
To make a donation online, please visit the ROL secure donation form. We would ask that in the Message of Support you write “Proud supporter of BCDP Food Drive”.
If you would prefer to write a check, please write out the check to Reach Out Lakota and contact us at butlercountydems@gmail.com. We’ll gladly pick up the check from you and deliver to Reach Out Lakota.
Would you prefer to donate food? You can review the most urgent food pantry needs and contact us at butlercountydems@gmail.com. We’ll gladly pick up your items and deliver to Reach Out Lakota.
As Reach Out Lakota quotes on their website:
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. — Helen Keller
Let’s help out our community members in the West Chester/Liberty Township area with a donation to Reach Out Lakota. And follow along next week as we feature another food pantry in Butler County.