(HAMILTON)- The following statement is issued by Butler County Democratic Party Executive Committee Chair Brian Hester in response to today’s visit by Mike DeWine’s running mate in Butler County: 

The secret to West Chester’s economic success is, literally, an exit ramp.  West Chester has grown not because of tax cuts for the wealthy, but because when you have a community with good schools, like Butler Tech and Lakota Local Schools, that then invests in infrastructure and is strategically located to move goods using our nation’s interstates, you can build a safe and healthy community to raise a family.  DeWine was a champion of bad trade deals that resulted in the overseas outsourcing of American workers’ jobs and the decline of domestic manufacturing.  Mike DeWine’s policies are still aimed at looking out for the wealthy and the well connected that has left Ohio families behind for generations here in Butler County.

“Rich Cordray understands you can’t solve our worker skill gap issues with tax cuts for the wealthy, but by investing in workers’ technical education and that we must invest in improving our infrastructure.  And you can’t truly take Ohio to the next level economically by continuing the same failed policies Mike DeWine has been pushing for over forty years.  It’s time we invest in Ohio’s working families and Ohio takes an exit ramp off DeWine’s highway to nowhere.”


Toledo Blade Editorial: “On Trade, Mr. DeWine Has Been A Champion Of Global Agreements That Have Resulted In The Overseas Outsourcing Of American Workers’ Jobs And The Decline Of Domestic Manufacturing.” [Toledo Blade, Editorial, 10/22/06]

DeWine Supported “Every Important Trade Bill” Since He Was Elected To The Senate In 1994. According to the National Review, “He has repeatedly touted his opposition to these measures in his tight battle with incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine, who has backed every important trade bill since his election to the Senate in 1994.” [National Review, 10/20/06]

DeWine Joined 20 States To Sue The Federal Government Over A New Labor Regulation Expanding Overtime Eligibility. The Plain Dealer reported, “If elected, Dettelbach said he would prioritize fighting the opiate addiction crisis and protecting consumers from scams and fraudsters, while dropping the ‘political cases’ he said DeWine has undertaken. Specific examples he offered were De-Wine’s investigation into how Planned Parenthood, which provides women’s health services including abortion, dealt with fetal remains, and DeWine’s decision to join 20 other states in suing the federal government over a new labor regulation that expanded overtime eligibility.” [Plain Dealer, 5/31/17]