For the 2023 Municipal Elections, we reached out to candidates running for city council, school board, trustee and other positions across Butler County asking them to fill out our Democratic Values survey. The candidates listed below confirmed their agreement with these values, and we think this is important information for Butler County voters. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement from the Butler County Democratic Party.

The 19 candidates listed above agree with the following values:
- We believe that America is a democracy, by and for the people: ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence. And we believe that these founding documents demand Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all Americans, in full and equal measure – regardless of who you are, what you believe or where you live.
- We believe in free and fair elections at every level in America. And we believe that elections should be fully transparent and guarantee unlimited and easy access to voting for every citizen of voting age.
- We believe that the best government is one that is efficient, yet understanding – a government that is based not on systems or bureaucracies, but on people, ideas and values.
- We believe there is no substitute for fair and equal representation and strong public participation in a government chosen by election.
- We believe in a government that stands on the side of Ohio’s families – that listens, understands and addresses their concerns.
- We believe in the equality of all Ohio citizens and condemn any discrimination.
- We believe in a society that strengthens Ohio’s families and protects our children.
- We believe in the rights of all Ohioans to achieve economic security and find affordable housing, to seek good jobs at a livable wage, and protection for our workers in a growing, robust economy.
- We believe in a society that puts the health, safety and prosperity of its citizens first, one that promotes excellence in education, choices in quality health care and a healthy environment for all Ohio citizens. We believe in a society that values community and protects all Ohio citizens from violence and crime.
- We believe in a society that respects our elders, who deserve the right to retire with the resources they need and have earned to support themselves in their golden years. And we believe in pursuing these ideals with honesty and integrity, with respect for the freedoms that we in Ohio are proud to call our own.
We ask you to support these candidates in their elections, as well as supporting Issue 1.