At the Butler County Democrat Party’s Executive Committee meeting on February 13, Amanda Schuster was elected as the Secretary to the Central Committee. Earlier this year, she was appointed as the new BCDP Communications Director and Chair of the Communications Committee. Schuster was highly recommended by mariann penska for her work on the team, and after meeting with her, BCDP Chair Brian Hester believes she will be a great fit. As Central Committee Secretary and Communications Direction she will be joining the BCDP Governing Board as well.
Amanda graduated from Miami University with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing, and has previous volunteer experience with the Fairfield Tempo Club as President, Vice-President and Publicity. She is currently employed with ALM Media as Senior Director, Project Management, where she manages the team working on websites and business systems.
Anyone interested in working with the Communications Committee may contact Amanda by email at Please also feel free to reach out regarding communications for events and activities related to the Party.