This body votes to endorse candidates for public office. It also assists and advises the Governing Board in a variety of Party operations. Membership consists of all members of the Central Committee and up to 145 at-large members. At-large members require approval by the Executive Committee Chair and a majority vote of committee members present and voting.

The Chair of the Executive Committee serves as the Chair of the Party.


  • Assisting Central Committee members with organization of their precincts;
  • Attending party meetings;
  • Participating in Party events;
  • Working actively on a sub-committee of their choice;
  • Working actively on the campaign of a candidate of their choice;
  • Paying membership dues annually.


Chair – Kathy Wyenandt

Vice Chair – Dave Spurrier

Secretary – Amanda Schuster

Treasurer – Sue Fuson


This committee is the focal point for precinct organization and getting out the vote. Members are elected from each precinct in Butler County at the Primary Election held every four years. Vacancies are filled using this process: The nominee is recommended by a committee member, then approved by the Chair and finally voted in by committee members present and voting. Members must reside in the precincts that they represent.


  • Chartering of Democratic clubs in the county.
  • Organizing at the precinct level.
  • Coordinating workshops for precinct leaders.
  • Nominating and providing orientation to prospective members of the Central and Executive Committees.


Chair – Mariann Penska

Vice Chair – Dominick Lijoi

Secretary – Jennifer Richardson

Treasurer – Brittany Maloney


This is the Party’s primary governing body. It consists of the officers of the Executive and Central Committees, the Regional Chairs, Standing Committee Chairs, and up to  5 at-large members appointed by the majority of the officers of the Central and Executive Committees. The Chair of the Executive Committee serves as Chair of the Governing Board, as well as Party Chair and spokesperson.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Recommending candidates for public office to the Executive Committee for endorsement.
  • Disbursing party funds to endorsed candidates.
  • Conducting daily Party operations.


Butler County Democratic Party has divided the county into 6 geographical regions. Our regions and their chairs are as follows:

Region 1: Central (Hamilton)

Chair: John Rhoads

Region 2: Northeast (Middletown, Madison Twp., Trenton)

Chair: Scotty Robertson

Region 3: East (Liberty Twp., Monroe, Lemon Twp.)

Chairs: Michael Albrecht, Ned Torres, Alex Argo

Region 4: Northwest (Oxford, Oxford Twp., Wayne Two, St. Clair Twp., Milford Twp., Reily Twp., Hanover Twp.)

Chairs: Patrick Houlihan

Region 5: South (Fairfield, Fairfield Twp., Ross Twp., Morgan Twp.)

Chair: Janet Moran

Region 6: Southeast (West Chester and Sharonville)

Chair: Dominick Lijoi

All party members and activists are invited and encouraged to join their regional teams.  We will be offering training, social gatherings, and Days of Action throughout the year in our efforts to build teams of active volunteers ready and able to support our Democratic candidates.  To learn more email: info@butlercountydems.org or call 513-896-5201.