32 day, folks. Voting starts next week. Enthusiasm is building. And if you haven’t helped out a campaign yet, this would be an excellent time to join in the fun! Check out the opportunities to get involved below. Between now and the campaign we’re going to send out weekly updates with ways that you can get involved. But in case you didn’t see the email, here’s this week’s recap.
Literature Drops
Lit drops for Kathy Wyenandt this weekend are based out of Fairfield. Shifts are available Saturday and Sunday at 10am, 1pm and 4pm. Meet at the Starbucks at 6795 Dixie Highway in Fairfield to pick up routed and literature for these no-contact lit drops.
Help get out the word for Vanessa Enoch this weekend in Liberty Township/Fairfield Township area. Meet this Saturday at Bridgewater Falls in front of Penney’s at 8:45 for lit drops.
Join Steve Hightower for a GOTV event in Middletown at 9am Saturday at 3577 Commerce Dr (across from McDonald’s) to pass out campaign literature for Michelle Novak and the Biden campaign and help distribute signs.
Early Vote Slate Card Distribution
We are asking for volunteers to help distribute slate cards at early voting and on Election Day. Shifts are still available and you can sign up here. Our first week slots are filled up, and we thank those who have already volunteered. But there are still plenty of shifts to fill. Slate cards help people know who to vote for up and down the slate, particularly for the State Supreme Court candidates, where there is no political affiliation on the ballot. On that point, our endorsed Democrats are John P. O’Donnell and Jennifer Brunner for Ohio Supreme Court.

Upcoming Events
This coming week will feature two debates for our Butler County candidates. Candidate Michelle Novak, running for Ohio House of Representatives, 53rd District will participate in a debate co-hosted by Miami University’s Menard Family Center for Democracy, the Journal News, and the League of Women Voters of Oxford. Register here to view the campaign live on October 6 at 6:30.
Also on October 6, Dr. Vanessa Enoch, running for Congress in Ohio’s 8th District, will square off in a live debate at 7pm. The event will air live on Channel 5, WLWT.
Kathy is hosting a Fall Hybrid Fundraiser on October 14. Join Kathy either at Grainworks Brewing Company, or from the comfort of your home. Register for this event to support Kathy’s campaign for the Statehouse.
Looking to keep in shape while also supporting a candidate? Join the Run for Enoch Virtual 5K. Register here and see detail on how you can support the candidate, raise some money and get your steps in at the same time!
Yard Signs
We are stocked up on Biden/Harris signs for distribution. Stop by Butler County Democratic Party Headquarters this Saturday from 12-3 to pick up a Biden/Harris yard sign or signs for our other candidates. Address is 224-226 Park Ave, Hamilton (parking and entrance in the back). We’ll also have absentee ballot applications if you haven’t received one yet. You can fill it out and drop it at the BOE on your way home to put up your sign. And we’re still seeking donation for the additional yard signs as well as other GOTV efforts.
Upcoming Biden Events
There are several events coming up for the Biden/Harris campaign:
This Saturday, you can help the campaign via phone or text. Use these links to sign up for the Text Bank and the Cincinnati and Neighbors Saturday Dialer.
Other Ways to Help
If you prefer to help from the safety of your home, there are couple of key ways you can do that.
First, donate. This is really meaningful for your local candidates, and helps them do everything they can to win the vote in November.
Second, make phone calls or write postcards. Contacting as many people as possible keeps the candidates’ top of mind for voters at the polls. And connects us with people to make sure they have a voting plan in place.
Third, follow the candidates on social media. And then share Facebook posts or retweet on Twitter, including a statement letting others know why you support that candidate.
And fourth, show your support for the candidates by displaying a sign in your yard. While signs don’t vote, you are reaching other people who drive or walk by and letting them know that they aren’t alone in supporting Democrats and that their vote counts.
To find out more about the candidates, check out our Meet The Candidates post. From this page, you can link to a story about each candidate, learning more about them and getting links to their websites and social media.
And do you want to get these updates delivered to your mailbox weekly? Sign up here.